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This page needs: The difference between Lander and Carter jars

Vintage Petroleum Jelly Jars

Region: North America
Type: Bottle
Material: Glass
Manufacturer: Lander, Carter
Production Start: 1950s?
Production End: 1960s?
Rarity: Less Common
Specific Object
Date Made: 1950-1969
Specific Object Condition: Acceptable

These are vintage petroleum jelly jars. Not much is known about them.

Lander - objview

Lander White Petroleum Jelly Jar

Lander White Petroleum Jelly Jar

by - Public domain

This is a photo of a [[ Lander White Petroleum Jelly Jar // vintage petroleum jelly jars ]].

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Carter - objview

Carter White Petroleum Jelly Jar

Carter White Petroleum Jelly Jar

by - Public domain

This is a photo of a [[ Carter White Petroleum Jelly Jar // vintage petroleum jelly jars ]].

[more info]